Penetrate The Asian Educational Market Online and Offline

Reach agents and students in one place.

Learning Center - Precise & Efficient

Have you been wondering why traditional B2B2C Agents exhibition events are not so effective? Have you been contemplating optimizing your budget and creating a real event for your school? Then you should seriously consider trying out a new form of exhibition marketing.

Make Smarter Decisions with English Agency

Learning Center
By joining the EA platform, your school will stand alongside well-known English learning institutions. This way, it is easier to attract Asian students that are looking for English learning solutions. Find out how you can convince them to attend your event!
Reach Your Target Audience
With the help of cutting edge technology you can now promote your Event Online through Facebook and Google. Tell us more about your budget and we will help you reach your target audience.
Webinar, O2O Event or Live Streaming
Your own online event can be personalized to help you promote your school in a new and efficient manner. Just sign up for your first EA Event and we will contact you shortly.

Check out the events we are hosting for schools!

Start you first Event for Free Now!

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